MICHAEL Hallett is proving a cut above the rest by undergoing a head shave fundraiser after his stepsister was diagnosed with cancer.

Mr Hallett, 41, was born in Bridport and currently works as a taxi driver in Weymouth.

Michael’s stepsister was first diagnosed with cancer in 2013 and went through numerous stages of chemotherapy before getting the all clear.

But in October last year, around the same time as her birthday, she was told her cancer had returned.

Michael said: “I decided to do my sponsored head shave when my stepsister was told her cancer had come back.

“I want to try and raise as much money as I can to help Macmillan Cancer Support, because their nurses do such great work with people and their families suffering from all types of cancer.

“For the last year I’ve been having regular old style wet shaves with a cut throat razor in a Weymouth barbour shop,” he added.

“But this time I decided I would get them to shave my whole head with a cut throat razor.”

Michael will be taking on the fundraising challenge on February 20 at noon at Weymouth Vintage Barbour Shop and Shaving Parlour.

He has a fundraising target of £500, and has already raised more than £50 on his Just Giving page.

Michael said: “I would be absolutely over the moon if I were to raise more than £500 because the money is all going to such a great cause.

“In November last year all the family put in some money and we also managed to send my stepsister, her husband and three kids to Euro Disney.

“This fundraiser is my small way of trying to help the nurses who help the people with cancer.

“I know most people who read this won’t know my stepsister, but loads of people will know others who have lost their fight or who are still fighting the horrible disease.

“Please give anything you can to help me show Macmillan that lots of people really appreciate the work that they do, and to help them continue doing it.”

Macmillan Cancer Support improves the lives of people affected by cancer by providing practical, medical, emotional and financial support and pushing for better cancer care.

To donate towards Michael’s fundraiser, visit justgiving.com/MichaelsShave.

People can also donate by texting the unique code MHHS73 and the amount they want to give to 70070.