STAFF at the Purbeck School are celebrating after Ofsted declared it a ‘good school’.

The Wareham facility received the grade for an inspection in December last year. It marks an improvement after the school was graded ‘satisfactory’ in September 2011.

The school was asked to ensure achievement improved in all subjects and increase the proportion of good or better lessons. It was also asked to improve the opportunities parents and carers had to find out how students were doing.

Reviewing December’s inspection, the latest report published reads: “All teachers have a strong focus on improving students’ examination results. This has led to a rapid improvement in achievement since the previous inspection.

“Teaching is consistently good. Teachers have strong subject knowledge, good relationships with students and plan lessons carefully so that students learn quickly.

“The sixth form is good. In the past, students have achieved in line with national averages in their examinations, but this is improving. They make a good contribution to school life and are highly successful in going on to university, further education and training or into employment.”

Inspectors observed 30 lessons and also looked at students’ work, including the frequency and quality of marking and the progress students made.

Meetings were held with three groups of students, five governors and senior and middle managers. Parents and staff were also able to have their say by taking part in separate online questionnaires.

The report states the school is not yet an ‘outstanding school’ because disabled students and those with special educational needs haven’t made progress as quickly as other students, particularly in mathematics. The school says significant changes are underway to improve the achievement of this group of students.

Leanne Symonds, headteacher at the Purbeck School, said: “I am delighted that the journey of improvement that the school has undertaken has been reflected in our Ofsted report.

“This extremely positive report is testimony to the hard work of all our staff and students and I hope that everyone in our community reads our report with a great sense of pride.”