So much seems to be happening over the next few weeks, and even though I do my best I am bound to miss something out, it’s the law of nature! So hold on tight, here goes....

Refuse Collection 

Hopefully everyone has seen the latest publication about this that dropped through our doors, and hopefully everyone got to the bit about the public meetings, so just a reminder to everyone who lives in the Park District, our Recycle for Dorset Road show/Meeting is on Wednesday May 28 2014 from 10am until 1pm.

It goes without saying that this affects us all and the last thing we want to see is litter on the streets week in week out. Perhaps we can all think about issues that directly affect each and everyone of us and bring these with us to the Road show in an attempt to get them resolved once and for all.

There are times (especially after bin collection) when it has really reminded me of how the streets used to look with littering and dog waste.

Bollywood at the Weymouth College is now on week 3 (May 15th) of the Free!! 12-week course. I personally have been joining in with this, there is a wide age range with everyone joining in where they can and sitting out when needed. We could do with a few guys, you don’t have to dress up to dance, and I suspect the men have very different moves to the women.

The Bollywood course is on Thursday nights from 6pm, which is when the costume making takes place in the soft furnishing rooms and at 7pm we move down to the Kimmeridge buildings when the dancing continues, Each week, Bishran takes us through what we learnt the previous weeks, so men and women, its not too late to come along and pick it up, learn another new skill in 2014.

There are also 2 new leisure courses taking place at Weymouth College, these are
Costume Making for Carnival and Fancy Dress (could this be the start of a new business opportunity perhaps)

Soft Furnishing for Beginners & Ballet Costumes for Beginners

I am pretty confident they mean Beginners at costume making for Ballet dancers, not costume making for beginners at Ballet!!

If you want more information and to book a place either call free on 0800 808 9440 or call 01305 761100 or alternatively walk along down there or look online at

‘Staying Alive’ – A Celebration of Song and Dance:  A celebration of song and dance for people over 50 takes place at Weymouth Pavilion on Thursday, May 15, from 3pm to 8pm. 

Saturday May 31 2014 sees The Butterfly Foundation "Creative Domestic Abuse" Networking Day Weymouth 2014, take place at The Park Community Centre, Chelmsford Street, Weymouth.

This event starts from 11am and finishes at 3.30pm it includes various classes including creative writing, Self Esteem programme talk.

Described as “An event to raise awareness of domestic abuse and how the therapeutic arts benefit adults and children affected by domestic abuse. This event is open to representatives from statutory and voluntary agencies as well as the general public.”

The Butterfly foundation itself is a registered charity.

Special Investigation into Patient Transport:

Have you, or someone you know, used non-emergency patient transport in the last 6 months?

Dorset County Council are running a special investigation into patient transport in June 2014. Tell Healthwatch Dorset what you think of this service, good or bad - including the date you used non-emergency patient transport, and your comments will be taken into account.

Get in touch with Healthwatch, your local consumer champion for health and social care services, by the end of May for your feedback to be included.

Call 0300 111 0102, use the online Speak Out form: or write to Freepost BH1902, 896 Christchurch Road, Bournemouth BH7 6BR

There is also a CAP Money Course running for the first 4 Monday evenings in June, (2nd 9th, 16th, and 23rd)  again at the Park Community Centre, Chelmsford Street Weymouth.

The CAP Money Course is a free money management course that teaches people budgeting skills and a simple, cash-based system to keep track of where money is going. The aim is to give people more control over their finances so they can save, give, and prevent debt. The course is hosted by St Johns but is available to everyone.

Grace Markwell (Dance Force) says that she is going to try and start a teen's street dance crew as they now  have more interest in the younger group. 

Lucy has said that if they have as many or more dancers attend the younger class as we did before Easter then she would be very happy indeed. She also said "how grateful they are, they are really trying to make a difference in the community and help young people get motivated".

They would also like to thank The Centre and the Park District for letting them use the blue boards, the show went so well, we had over 100 children dance in our show and we had an audience at the Tidworth Garrison of over 400!

So if you or any of your children or teens (12 – 16) would like to take part in the Street Dance Crew please do get in touch with Grace on 07837831677

For more information visit: and

Fridays, 5-6pm, at the Park Community Centre, Chelmsford Street, Weymouth. £4.00 per class for the Teenagers Dance Crew

Apologies to anyone I have missed out......