Why is fracking getting such a bad press, surely it’s worth a little disruption to get cheaper gas.

I think we can trust the energy producing companies to pass on any savings to the consumer, why would they want to sell any such gas produced at a higher international price when they could sell it cheaper to local consumers?

We can be certain they have our interests at heart, they are British like us aren’t they?

With regard to the additional carbon and other emissions, the truth is we don’t know the effect of human activity on climate. The often quoted statistic that more than 99% of independent climatologists agree that there is a clear and definite causal relationship surely means the jury is out, can that other 1% be totally wrong – I think not.

In truth the results, if any, of climate change will be long term and in the long term we’re all dead. Do we owe a debt to our grandchildren – no way.

The dangers of fracking with regard to water pollution are surely exaggerated. Although I have no basis for making this assertion, I still believe it to be valid and if the worse comes to the worst then we all have ready access to fresh bottled water in the supermarkets, so no worry on that concern.

Likewise with the claims that vast amounts of water will be used in fracking, well I think that is up for debate too, although again I have absolutely no substance to this claim. As for the earthquakes it seems that they have all been minor and probably no worse than one experiences after an evening of moderate drinking.

We have to consider the alternatives, using less fuel is a non-starter. We need to maintain our standard of living and grow our economy. People talk about wind farms and wave energy, but these things are an eyesore, at least fracking is below the ground so we clearly don’t have to worry, out of sight out of mind is always a good dictum.

It surely is about time that the silent, reasonable, thinking majority had a say on these issues, rather than just listening to the tree huggers who think that just because they can quote facts and figures, their argument has more weight. It’s just common sense and we don’t need a degree to use that.

John Galto, Weymouth