Dorset Echo - Memorials

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In Memoriam


BRITTEN David Another year without you, I miss you so much, loving you always, in my heart…
Published on 22/12/2023
In Memoriam

Ron Hart

HART Ron (Ronnie) So dearly loved, so sadly missed. 'Our forever love'
Published on 21/12/2023
In Memoriam


FARRELL Paul 21-12-2011 In loving memory of my beloved Brother and the "Sunshine of your Smile" 12…
Published on 21/12/2023
In Memoriam


POLLEY Philip (Pip) Thinking of you today and always, the 25th anniversary of your passing.…
Published on 20/12/2023
In Memoriam


COLEMAN Cynthia Mary R.I.P. Graham, Shirley, David, Angela and grandchildren.
Published on 19/12/2023
In Memoriam

Paul Titterington

TITTERINGTON Paul In loving memory of Paul who sadly died on 17th December 2001. From his loving…
Published on 16/12/2023
In Memoriam


DERRETT Rosina Thinking of you on your Birthday. We will never forget you Mum. Loads of love Tony,…
Published on 15/12/2023
In Memoriam

Colin Arthur BLAZEY

BLAZEY Colin Arthur Colin, in our hearts, you will always be. Your love, your voice and your smile…
Published on 15/12/2023
In Memoriam

Anthony Knight

KNIGHT Anthony Taken from us ten years ago, we never need a special day to remember you. Much…
Published on 09/12/2023
In Memoriam

Shirley Hills

HILLS Shirley Two years gone and still sorely missed, with love forever Keith and all the family…
Published on 28/11/2023
In Memoriam

Tommy Hodge

HODGE Tommy Happy birthday Remembering you with all our love on your birthday, wish you were here,…
Published on 28/11/2023
In Memoriam


NEWSHAM Cliff Too many years without you but wonderful memories keep you forever in our hearts.…
Published on 21/11/2023