FROM writing award-winning songs for the Queen to performing poems as part of Dictionary Corner on Channel 4’s Countdown, Richard Digance has been entertaining crowds with his off-kilter view on life for almost four decades.

The former resident of Lyme Regis returns to Dorset later this month for a one-off evening of guitar music, chat and laughter – and he can’t wait to be back.

“It is 15 years since I lived down that way so I am looking forward to coming back,” he said. “The arts centre is one of my old haunts and I love the place. It is a bit of a homecoming for me really and I left some good mates behind when I left so hopefully they will come along too.”

Richard, who now lives in Salisbury, celebrates 40 years of performing and touring next year.

His pedigree is of the highest comedic calibre, having supported both Robin Williams and Steve Martin on tour in America.

His TV shows in the 80s attracted guests including Queen’s Brian May, The Moody Blues, Status Quo and Chris de Burgh, as well as a whole range of audiences.

He sits in the Poetry Corner on the TV show Countdown – and still misses the late, great presenter Richard Whitely desperately.

His poems are even used as teaching aids in the USA and he has recently started a new folk show on BBC Radio Devon.

Although Richard still loves performing, these days he is spending more time on a number of book projects.

It is 25 years since his Animal Alphabet was published to huge acclaim and serialised by the BBC.

He is now working on a Father Christmas storybook for children, which he hopes will bring him a whole new generation of fans.

“I have had a Christmas story in my head for ages that will be very child-orientated. I thought it was a good idea as my audience is looking for something for their children and grandchildren.

“I don’t want to be one of those blokes who wander about not doing anything new. I think that’s a bit sad and I don’t want to be like that. So I am doing the book and really enjoying getting back to playing the guitar seriously.

“It does me good and hopefully the audience will enjoy the fact that I’m not just doing the same old thing.”

Next year, Richard’s touring show will be a chronological celebration of 40 years as a showbiz legend.

He says the highlights include working with the American comedian Steve Martin and playing guitar with Brian May. Another highlight, he says, is the fact that he is still doing what he loves.

“I started to play the guitar so I could lure the girls and the blokes would buy me a beer,” he said.

Richard Digance will be at Bridport Arts Centre on Thursday, August 19, at 7.30pm. Tickets are priced £10 plus concessions on 01308 424204.