A BRILLIANTLY funny comedy sketch show that lays bare the trials and tribulations of womanhood comes to the Marine Theatre tomorrow night.

Mutton (as in dressed as lamb') tackles the indignities and triumphs of being female, from hot flushes and HRT to buying the right clothes and juggling careers with motherhood.

It will appeal to women of all ages and the men who live with them. Lorraine Kelly said she thought it was great fun' when she saw it at the Edinburgh Festival.

The show is currently touring the UK and enjoying packed houses wherever it touches down.

"It is going really well and men are coming to see it too," said Donna Flinn, who stars in the show alongside Jean Heard and Julia Munrow. "I think men enjoy it as much as their women because they relate it to the women and then think thanks goodness she's not the only one like this!' "There are times when the audience is laughing so much that we have to wait for them to calm down before we deliver the next line, which is a huge compliment.

"One of the most popular bits is a changing rooms sketch set in a clothes shop where we are trying on clothes that are far too young for us, but we can't see it."

Donna, who admits to being in her late 50s, put the show together with Jean before recruiting Julia to their ranks.

"We all get on famously and it can be a bit of a riot at times," she added. "We have a lot of laughs around the kitchen table when we are working on the show. We have been together four years now and are going from strength to strength."

The highlight so far for the girls was taking the show to the Edinburgh Festival, renowned as a cutting edge showcase for young' comedy.

"We did really well to get there and the show went down a storm," said Donna.

"We were sponsored by Tena, the incontinence people, which everyone thought was hilarious - although it's a useful sponsor to have when the audience is laughing too much!"

One thing that the show does prove is that age is no barrier to having fun.

"I think old age can give you a new lease of life," said Donna. "I don't think of us as getting old. The key to it is to keep going, because the more you do the younger you feel. I have been acting since I was 16 and there is no way I'm giving up now!"

Mutton is at the Marine Theatre in Lyme Regis tomorrow at 8pm. Tickets are £12 plus concessions from Lyme TIC on 01297 442138.