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Public Notice

Town and Country Planning Act 1990 Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Areas) Act 1990

Town and Country Planning Act 1990 Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Areas) Act 1990
Notice is hereby given that the following applications have been received:
BEAMINSTER WD/D/16/001414 The proposed development affects the setting of a Listed Building. Conservation Area Erection of canopy, provision of signage, provision & use of car washing & valeting equipment & retention of timber office (Retrospective)
WD/D/16/001629 Conservation Area Modify existing vehicular access, with new natural stone retaining wall. Change of use from Police Station Offices to form additional residential accommodation for existing dwelling. Erect first floor extension over existing flat roofed element to the West - road frontage. Demolish existing flat roofed single storey element to the rear and erect replacement single storey rear extension. Form 2/No additional first floor windows to North elevation. Erect Porch to West elevation - road frontage. Render existing reconstructed stone walls. 11 SOUTHGATE
BURSTOCK WD/D/16/001680 The proposed development affects the setting of a Listed Building. Erect extension to North East elevation 1 MANOR FARM BUNGALOW, ROOKERY LANE
BURTON BRADSTOCK WD/D/16/001663 Conservation Area Construction of two new dwellings with two ancillary garages and associated landscaping.
CHARMINSTER WD/D/16/001639 Conservation Area Proposed conversion of 4 Bedroom apartment into 1 no. separate 1 bedroom apartment and 1 no. 2 bedroom apartment. FLAT 44, GREENWOOD HOUSE, SHERREN AVENUE, CHARLTON DOWN
CHEDINGTON WD/D/16/001631 Listed Building Internal and external alterations to include repositioning the entrance drive wall and piers CHEDINGTON COURT,
CHICKERELL WD/D/16/001603 HYBRID APPLICATION: Full application for the erection of a Class A1 foodstore (1,804 sq m gross) with associated access, car parking and landscaping. Outline application for up to 500 sq m of Use Class A1 to A5 floorspace on land to the north of the ALDI store. LAND AT CHICKERELL LINK ROAD
WD/D/16/001682 Affects a Public Right of Way Conservation Area Approval of reserved matters appearance, landscaping, layout & scale of outline approval 1/D/08/001147 for phase 2 of the development comprising of 112 dwellings, landscaping & associate drainage infrastructure LAND OFF PUTTON LANE
CHILFROME WD/D/16/001627 & WD/D/16/001628 Listed Building Repairs and
alterations to Listed Cottage (retrospective) TILLINGS COTTAGE, ST HELENS LANE, CHILFROME, DORCHESTER, DT2 0HA
DORCHESTER WD/D/16/001590 Access; appearance; landscaping; layout and scale for 380 houses and flats and 68.4 sq.m. of non-residential floorspace - matters reserved for further approval by outline planning permission ref. 1/D/09/001363 NORTH QUADRANT OF POUNDBURY PHASES 3 AND 4
WD/D/16/001624 & WD/D/16/001625 Conservation Area Listed Building Proposed new flat roof, timber frame rear extension to provide a new Male WC, amend the existing Male WC to create a Unisex Disabled WC and amend the existing external escape stairs. WESSEX HOTEL, 32 HIGH WEST STREET
WD/D/16/001660 The proposed development affects the setting of a Listed Building. Affects a Public Right of Way Demolish existing GCS Agricentre Unit and adjoining Lawnmower Sales and replace with new GCS Agricentre Unit and Country Store Unit. Relocate Lawnmower Sales to existing Country Store Unit.
GODMANSTONE WD/D/16/001666 Conservation Area Discharge section 106
agreementdated4th February2016LONGMEADOW, MAIN ROAD
LYME REGIS WD/D/16/001062 Conservation Area Erect two townhouses attached to the existing end of terrace (Number 16). This will be located on the site formerly occupying number 14 & 15 Marine Parade. DEVELOPMENT SITE, 14-15 MARINE PARADE
WD/D/16/001558 &WD/D/16/001559Conservation AreaListedBuilding Removal of existing timber storage shed. Erection of larger timber storage shed. 36 BROAD STREET
MARSHWOOD WD/D/16/000075 Affects a Public Right of Way Change of use of existing farm to a mixed use comprising farm and a children's farm family visitor centre to include erection of an animal building, play area, cafe/education building and car park area (amended scheme- transport and layout-related information)
OWERMOIGNE WD/D/16/001315 Affects a Public Right of Way Erection of a principle farm house (Outline) HOLLY FARM, MORETON ROAD
POWERSTOCKWD/D/16/001552 Conservation Area Erection of two timber stable blocks & associated works Land Off Kings Lane/Castle Land - The Old Rabbit Catchers House, Castle Lane
WINTERBORNE STMARTIN WD/D/16/001538 & WD/D/16/001539 Conservation Area Listed Building Demolish the existing garage & erect a new timber framed garage. Relocate existing vehicle access & parking area. Reduce ground levels in rear garden & provide a ramped access from the new parking area to the rear of the property. Make internal alterations to the dwelling & add conservation roof lights to the existing extension at the rear of the property GROVE COTTAGE, 27 MAIN STREET, MARTINSTOWN


WEYMOUTH WP/16/00271/LBC Conservation Area Listed Building Replace wooden windows with UPVC 46 TO 53 AND 64 TO 70, WELLINGTON COURT
WP/16/00570/FUL Conservation Area Proposed single and two storey side and rear extensions 14 OLD CASTLE ROAD
WP/16/00584/FUL &WP/16/00585/LBC Conservation Area Listed Building Modifications to existing kitchen and office spaces as well as demolition of ground floor WC in rear yard. Construct replacement WC and new lean-to roof at rear. Replace external door, window and railings to existing flat as well as internal doors elsewhere throughout building 24 TRINITY ROAD, WEYMOUTH, DT4 8TJ

Applications may be viewed online at search, at the council offices at South Walks House and Commercial Road, or at Portland Tophill Library.
Comments can be made online, or in writing before 21 days from the date of this notice. All comments will be published online.
With regard to householder applications, an express consent for the display of an advertisement or if an application is considered to fall within the definition of a 'minor commercial proposal', should there be an appeal this will be dealt with on the basis of representations in writing only. Any representations made about the application will be sent to the Secretary of State, and there will be no further opportunity to comment at appeal stage.
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01305 252344
West Dorset District Council,
Weymouth & Portland Borough Council,
South Walks House, South Walks Road,
Dorchester, Dorset DT1 1UZ

Published on 17/08/2016