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Public Notice

Town and Country Planning Act 1990 Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Areas) Act 1990

Town and Country Planning Act 1990 Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Areas) Act 1990
Notice is hereby given that the following applications have been received:
WD/D/16/001153 The proposed development affects the setting of a Listed Building. Conservation Area Re-siting of existing single-storey summerhouse and erection of single-storey summerhouse in its place. Erection of tool shed Minster Cottage, Shorts Lane
WD/D/16/000784 Listed Building Remove stud partitions, form new door opening and install extract fan & duct. Form bathroom in lieu of dressing area and restore rooflight on second floor. Remove, restore and rebed water tabling to east end. Remove areas of pointing from the east elevation & repoint in lime mortar. Lower Muckleford House, Main Road, Muckleford
WD/D/16/000907 The proposed development affects the setting of a Listed Building. Conservation Area Re-installation of two cottages 9 West Allington
WD/D/16/001100 & WD/D/16/001101 Conservation Area Listed Building
Demolish existing single storey rear extension & erection of single storey timber framed extension. Repair works to the listed building including -replacement casement windows to the rear elevation (kitchen and bedroom), a replacement lintel, a new boiler and associated extract flue grille, removal of hardboard and gypsum wall linings, and replacement with lime plaster, and the removal of sloped ceilings to bathroom and bedroom spaces and reinstatement at rafter level with lathe and lime plaster. 20 Rax Lane
WD/D/16/001157 Conservation Area Change of use of ground floor (excluding the cafe) from meeting room, computer room & ancillary accommodation to office/reception space & ancillary accommodation (Use Class B1) & associated alterations West Rivers House, 13 West Allington
WD/D/16/000858 Conservation Area Construct vehicle pull-in with retaining garden wall. 2 West End
WD/D/16/000847 Conservation Area Listed Building Repair
and refurbishment of post medieval house to conserve the remains and update its preservation 27 Long Street
WD/D/16/001163 Conservation Area Extension of existing house to create garage and roof top terrace. Remodeling of existing house including new windows and infilling of existing ground floor garage door Mill House, 2 Mill Lane DORCHESTER
WD/D/16/000777 & WD/D/16/000778 Conservation Area Listed Building
Refurbishment of the Grade 2* listed building. Substantial works at ground floor to remove the existing conservatory, extend the WC block and relocate the kitchen to the centre of the building. Works to the upper floors to remove modern Are lobbies from bedrooms and installation of two new skylights at roof level Kings Arms Hotel, 30 High East Street
WD/D/16/000869 & WD/D/16/000870 The proposed developmentaffects
the setting of a Listed Building. Conservation Area Install new front entrance door to gain access to Icen Way (retrospective) 5 Icen Mews
WD/D/16/000942 Conservation Area Take down existing dwelling & erect replacement dwelling. Flat 8, Farnham House, Stile Lane
WD/D/16/000770 Listed Building Block up existing external
door and undertake internal alterations West Cottage, Filford Lane, Bowood
WD/D/16/001031 Conservation Area Erect single storeyrear
extension to chalet bungalow Rookery Nook, Chapel Lane
WD/D/16/001143 Conservation Area Erect single storey
side extension The Barn, Rectory Road
PUNCKNOWLE WD/D/16/001159 Affects a Public Right of Way Conservation Area Variation of condition 1 of planning permission WD/D/16/000165 to allow the change in shape of garden lodge 25 Swyre
WEYMOUTH & PORTLAND BOROUGH COUNCIL APPLICATIONS WEYMOUTH WP/16/00310/FUL Erect agricultural building for dairy cow housing and form silage clamp Land At Bayard Dairy, Goulds Hill WP/16/00333/COU Conservation Area Change of use from retail (A1/A2) to use as a solarium, including internal alterations 40A St Thomas Street
WP/16/00395/FUL & WP/16/00396/LBC Conservation Area Listed Building
Internal alterations on ground floor and basement levels, including formation of two separate commercial units for A1 and A2 use & shop front alterations
2-4 Coburg Place St Thomas Street& 106a St MaryStreet
WP/16/00388/VOC This proposal is not in accordance with the
provisions of the Development Plan.
Demolition of existing redundant industrial buildings and erect residential dwellings (approx 64) including affordable housing - Proposed change to enable the demolition of the redundant buildings as approved under WP/14/00330/OUT before the submission of details of 'reserved matters', (condition 1), and before the commencement of any development to erect residential dwellings (conditions 4, 5, 6, 9 & 10). Redundant Buildings At, Bumpers Lane
WP/16/00402/OBL This proposal is not in accordance with the provisions of the Development Plan.
Demolition of existing redundant industrial buildings and erect residential dwellings (approx 64) including affordable housing - Proposed change to enable the demolition of the redundant buildings as approved under WP/14/00330/OUT before the submission of details of 'reserved matters', (condition 1), and before the commencement of any development to erect residential dwellings (conditions 4, 5, 6, 9 & 10).
Redundant Buildings At, Bumpers Lane
Applications may be viewed online at applications/search, at the council offices at South Walks House and Commercial Road, Weymouth or at Portland Tophill Library.
Comments can be made online, or in writing before 21 days from the date of this notice. All comments will be published online.
With regard to householder applications, an express consent for the display of an advertisement or if an application is considered to fall within the definition of a 'minor commercial proposal', should there be an appeal this will be dealt with on the basis of representations in writing only. Any representations made about the application will be sent to the Secretary of State, and there will be no further opportunity to comment at appeal stage.

Published on 15/06/2016