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Public Notice

Town and Country Planning Building and Conservation Areas

Town and Country Planning Act 1990 Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Areas) Act 1990
Notice is hereby given that the following applications have been received: WEST DORSET DISTRICT COUNCIL APPLICATIONS BEAMINSTER WD/D/16/000552 Conservation Area Listed Building Remove existing corrugated perspex roof covering and supporting timber purlins. Replace with a new cut timber roof structure covered with reclaimed natural slates. Removal of internal wall. 1 Shadrack Street
BRADPOLE WD/D/16/000572 Affects a Public Right of Way Erect Carport 11 Trinity Way
WD/D/16/000572 Affects a Public Right of Way Erect Carport 11 Trinity Way
BRIDPORT WD/D/16/000550 Affects a Public Right of Way Temporary classroom for courses in traditional skills, dry stone walling and hedge laying and temporary parking for 100 cars on show field on Saturdays and for festivals between July- September Askers Meadow South, Sea Road South WD/D/16/000636 Conservation Area Listed Building Install 2 conservation roof lights and make internal alteration to form shower Room 52 West Allington
WD/D/16/000550 Affects a Public Right of Way Temporary classroom for courses in traditional skills, dry stone walling and hedge laying and temporary parking for 100 cars on show field on Saturdays and for festivals between July- September Askers Meadow South, Sea Road South WD/D/16/000636 Conservation Area Listed Building Install 2 conservation roof lights and make internal alteration to form shower Room 52 West Allington
CHARMOUTH WD/D/16/000591 Conservation Area Erect extension to North elevation; erect veranda to East and South elevations, and make alterations to dwelling Westways, Lower Sea Lane
WD/D/16/000591 Conservation Area Erect extension to North elevation; erect veranda to East and South elevations, and make alterations to dwelling Westways, Lower Sea Lane
CHICKERELL WD/D/16/000557 Conservation Area Erect single storey rear extension 22 East Street
WD/D/16/000557 Conservation Area Erect single storey rear extension 22 East Street
CROSSWAYS WD/D/16/000378 Affects a Public Right of Way Full planning permission for the erection of 99 open market dwellings & affordable dwellings, a new doctors surgery, a replacement village hall, a car park, a new village green, new vehicular and pedestrian accesses and works to Warmwell Road. An outline application for the erection of 401 open market and affordable dwellings, the provision of 2.5ha of employment land, new vehicular and pedestrian accesses, roads, footpaths and cycleways, a car park for the proposed Site of Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG) and 2 pumping stations; and a full application for the change of use of 22.4ha of land to Site of Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG). Land South Of Warmwell Road, Warmwell Road
WD/D/16/000378 Affects a Public Right of Way Full planning permission for the erection of 99 open market dwellings & affordable dwellings, a new doctors surgery, a replacement village hall, a car park, a new village green, new vehicular and pedestrian accesses and works to Warmwell Road. An outline application for the erection of 401 open market and affordable dwellings, the provision of 2.5ha of employment land, new vehicular and pedestrian accesses, roads, footpaths and cycleways, a car park for the proposed Site of Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG) and 2 pumping stations; and a full application for the change of use of 22.4ha of land to Site of Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG). Land South Of Warmwell Road, Warmwell Road
DORCHESTER WD/D/16/000348 Conservation Area Listed Building
WD/D/16/000348 Conservation Area Listed Building
Installation of 2no. television aerials & satellite dish. Replacement of two timber casement rear windows & replacement of external rear door (Retrospective) 70 High Street Fordington
HOOKE WD/D/16/000456 The proposed development affects the setting
WD/D/16/000456 The proposed development affects the setting
of a Listed Building. Erect residential accommodation block and mixed-use building (for day nursery and overnight accommodation for visiting teachers/ lecturers/carers/staff). Hooke Court, Higher Street Lane LYME REGIS WD/D/16/000594 The proposed development affects the setting of a Listed Building. Conservation Area Convert the existing attic space into a study by adding two Velux windows to the rear roof slope; a new floor and a new staircase from the living room. Flat 3, Chard House,
62 Silver Street
PORTESHAM WD/D/16/000776 Conservation Area Two storey rear
WD/D/16/000776 Conservation Area Two storey rear
extension. 1 New Road
SOUTH PERROTTWD/D/16/000588 Listed Building Replacement windows
WD/D/16/000588 Listed Building Replacement windows
(wooden frames). Threshers Barn Hill Farm
WEST KNIGHTON WD/D/16/000334 The proposed development affects the setting of a Listed Building. Conservation Area Re-development of West Knighton farmyard with 10No. holiday cottages & erection of WC block for Church & Community Use West Knighton Farm, Highgate Lane WEST STAFFORD WD/D/16/000480 Conservation Area Single storey rear extension and single storey porch extension. The Steppes WEYMOUTH & PORTLAND BOROUGH COUNCIL APPLICATIONS
WD/D/16/000334 The proposed development affects the setting of a Listed Building. Conservation Area Re-development of West Knighton farmyard with 10No. holiday cottages & erection of WC block for Church & Community Use West Knighton Farm, Highgate Lane
WD/D/16/000480 Conservation Area Single storey rear extension and single storey porch extension. The Steppes
WEYMOUTH WP/16/00005/LBC & WP/16/00270/ADV Conservation Area
WP/16/00005/LBC & WP/16/00270/ADV Conservation Area
Listed Building Installation of externally illuminated fascia sign and non-illuminated projecting sign (retrospective) 25 St Thomas Street WP/16/00157/FUL This proposal is not in accordance with the provisions of the Development Plan. Erect detached house and garage 98B Wyke Road WP/16/00177/FUL Conservation Area Change of use of dwellinghouse to mixed use dwellinghouse and childcare facility to include conversion of the garage (part retrospective) Puddle Cottage, Puddledock Lane WP/16/00201/FUL Conservation Area Change of use of offices to 4no apartments and installation of replacement windows (resubmission 60A St Thomas Street
WP/16/00204/FUL Conservation Area Replacement of 2no timber chalets (Chalets 1 and 2) Greenhill Gardens, Greenhill
WP/16/00217/FUL This proposal is not in accordance with the provisions of the Development Plan. Conservation Area Demolish existing dwelling and outbuilding structures and replace with new dwelling and private stables Damyons Mead, Church Street
WP/16/00234/FUL Affects the setting of a Conservation Area Raise roof and create first floor 18 Grafton Avenue
WP/16/00267/FUL Conservation Area Rear & side single storey extension, resubmission 841 Dorchester Road
WP/16/00273/FUL Conservation Area Loft conversion with side and rear dormers 841 Dorchester Road
PORTLAND WP/16/00156/LBC Conservation Area Listed Building Convert
WP/16/00156/LBC Conservation Area Listed Building Convert
existing rear single storey extension from study/breakfast room to be
bathroom/WC. 167 Wakeham
WP/16/00212/FUL Conservation Area Conversion of vacant former mixed retail and residential unit on ground floor into one self contained flat, upgrading of existing flats on other floors and creation of balcony on existing flat roof at rear of first floor flat 107 Fortuneswell Applications may be viewed online at applications/search, at the council offices at South Walks House and Commercial Road, Weymouth or at Portland Tophill Library. Comments can be made online, or in writing before 21 days from the date of this notice. All comments will be published online. With regard to householder applications, an express consent for the display of an advertisement or if an application is considered to fall within the definition of a 'minor commercial proposal', should there be an appeal this will be dealt with on the basis of representations in writing only. Any representations made about the application will be sent to the Secretary of State, and there will be no further opportunity to comment at appeal stage.
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West Dorset District Council, South Walks House, South Walks Road, Dorchester Dorset DT1 1UZ
Weymouth & Portland Borough Council, Commercial Road, Weymouth, DT4 8NG
JtVh^ VfcymoudiS-Portland
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Published on 27/04/2016