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Public Notice

Town and Country Planning Act 1990 Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Areas) Act 1990

Town and Country Planning Act 1990 Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Areas) Act 1990
Notice is hereby given that the following applications have been received:
BEAMINSTER: WD/D/15/002993 The proposed development affects the
setting of a Listed Building. Conservation Area. First floor extension to
create new dwelling (2 bedroom flat) 3 HOGSHILL STREET
BRIDPORT: WD/D/15/002963& WD/D/15/002964. The proposed development
affects the setting of a Listed Building. Retention of temporary structure for
12 month period The Fireworks, 1c North Mills Trading Estate
WD/D/15/002994 The proposed development affects the setting of a
Listed Building. Affects a Public Right of Way Conservation Area. Erection of
3no demountable Jumbrellas in Beer Garden (retrospective) 18 George Street,
West Bay.
WD/D/15/002995 Conservation Area. Change of use from a cafe (Class A3) to a hot food takeaway (Class A5); installation of extraction/ventilation equipment and other external alterations. Cafe Royal, Tannery Road
WD/D/15/002997 The proposed development affects the setting of a Listed Building. Conservation Area. Variation of condition 9 of p.p WD/D/14/001251 - to amend Bank Holiday restrictions Norman Good & Sons, Station Road, West Bay
CHARMINSTER: WD/D/15/002985 Conservation Area. Form rooflights to northern roof slope; internal alterations to loft/second floor. 23 North Street
DORCHESTER: WD/D/15/002942. Construction of Building 9 for B1, B2 & B8 Use Parkway Farm Business Park, Middle Farm Way, Poundbury WD/D/15/002979 Conservation Area Listed Building. Revised proposal of the internal remodelling of: the western third of the building regarding the ticketing area and shop, the sanitary facilities, the staff/volunteer area and the cafe/ servery above that and TIC area. Some amendments to doors. Improvements for: fire escape and protection, sound insulation, ventilation and heating, provision of water, gas, power, data and storage provision, access for maintenance. Amendments to previously proposed fire protection in rooflights to retain the character of the rooflights and the spaces they light. Works to enhance significance. Old Shire Hall, High West Street WD/D/15/002983 Conservation Area. Minor Material Amendment to WD/D/15/000427 - amendments to approved drawings. The Old Rectory, Somerleigh Road
LYME REGIS: WD/D/15/002870 The proposed development affects the setting of a Listed Building. Conservation Area. Erection of building to provide additional hotel accommodation. Car Park, Mariners Hotel, Silver Street
SOUTH PERROTT: WD/D/15/002365 Conservation Area. Demolish coach
house and erect building for use as ancillary residential accommodation (amended description) Bellamy Farm, Picket Lane
SYMONDSBURY: WD/D/15/002990& WD/D/15/002991 Listed Building.
Change of use of two modern farm buildings and siting of a storage container (Retrospective). Relocation of existing businesses into different buildings including conversion/change of use for existing buildings. Manor Farm
THORNCOMBE: WD/D/15/002967 Listed Building. Make internal alterations
to convert bedroom to bathroom and lower floor level. Insert door in south elevation and repair window in west elevation. Newhouse Farm, Holditch Court Lane, Holditch
WOOTTON FITZPAINE: WD/D/15/002875 The proposed development affects the setting of a Listed Building. Extension to bungalow, new first floor and swimming pool area. Thistlegate House, Charmouth
WD/D/16/000045 Affects a Public Right of Way. Replacement dwelling and conversion of residential annexe to ancillary garage & removal of outbuildings. Byways
WEYMOUTH & PORTLAND BOROUGH COUNCIL APPLICATIONS WEYMOUTH: WP/16/00007/RES This proposal is not in accordance with the provisions of the Development Plan. Erect 5 dwellings (Reserved Matters) Land To East Of 99, Bowleaze Coveway
WP/15/00911 /FUL Conservation Area Listed Building. Installation of new shopfront 80 St Mary Street
WP/15/00912/LBC Conservation Area Listed Building Installation of new
shopfront, internal alterations and removal of chimney stack 80 St Mary Street
WP/16/00013/FUL Conservation Area. Erect single storey side extension 67 Wakeham
WP/15/00876/LBC Listed Building. Replacement of 3 Sliding Sash Windows
(Retrospective) 84 Weston Road Applications may be viewed online at, at the council offices at South Walks House and North Quay, at Mountfield, Bridport, or at Portland Tophill Library.
Comments can be made online, or in writing before 21 days from the date of this notice. All comments will be published online.
With regard to householder applications, an express consent for the display of an advertisement or if an application is considered to fall within the definition of a 'minor commercial proposal', should there be an appeal this will be dealt with on the basis of representations in writing only. Any representations made about the application will be sent to the Secretary of State, and there will be no further opportunity to comment at appeal stage.
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West Dorset District Council, South Walks House, South Walks Road, Dorchester Dorset DT1 1UZ Weymouth & Portland Borough Council, North Quay, Weymouth, Dorset, DT4 8TA

Published on 27/01/2016