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Public Notice

Town and Country Planning Act 1990

Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Areas) Act 1990
Notice is hereby given that the following applications have been received:
ASKERSWELL WD/D/15/002611 & WD/D/15/002612 The proposed development affects the setting of a Listed Building. Installation of underground LPG Tank to rear of house. Court House, Nallers Lane
WD/D/15/002611 & WD/D/15/002612 The proposed development affects the setting of a Listed Building. Installation of underground LPG Tank to rear of house. Court House, Nallers Lane
BEAMINSTER WD/D/15/002736 Conservation Area Listed Building. Internal & external alterations. 2 St Mary Well Street
WD/D/15/002736 Conservation Area Listed Building. Internal & external alterations. 2 St Mary Well Street
BRIDPORT WD/D/15/002109 & WD/D/15/002110 Conservation Area Listed Building. Modernisation of museum including the adaptation and extension of the building. Bridport Museum, 25 South Street
WD/D/15/002109 & WD/D/15/002110 Conservation Area Listed Building. Modernisation of museum including the adaptation and extension of the building. Bridport Museum, 25 South Street
WD/D/15/002695 The proposed development affects the setting of a Listed Building. Conservation Area. Demolish existing single storey extension and replace with a two storey rear extension. 76a East Street
CHICKERELL WD/D/15/002520 Conservation Area. Erect first floor extension above single storey lean-to. 20 West Street
WD/D/15/002520 Conservation Area. Erect first floor extension above single storey lean-to. 20 West Street
WD/D/15/002683 Listed Building. Replacement air conditioning units. 432 Chickerell Road
DORCHESTER WD/D/15/002470 Conservation Area. Demolition of the existing Fire Station Bar and Nightclub annexe, removal of the 2 No. existing transformers with associated overhead structure posts and taking down sections of existing boundary wall. Construction of 2 No. new transformer bays and reinstating the boundary wall.
WD/D/15/002470 Conservation Area. Demolition of the existing Fire Station Bar and Nightclub annexe, removal of the 2 No. existing transformers with associated overhead structure posts and taking down sections of existing boundary wall. Construction of 2 No. new transformer bays and reinstating the boundary wall.
The Firestation, Delaport House & Substation To Rear, Trinity Street
LODERS WD/D/15/001164 Conservation Area Listed Building. Install roof slate vent for shower room extractor. Raikes, New Street Lane
WD/D/15/001164 Conservation Area Listed Building. Install roof slate vent for shower room extractor. Raikes, New Street Lane
PUDDLETOWN WD/D/15/002672 & WD/D/15/002673 Conservation
WD/D/15/002672 & WD/D/15/002673 Conservation
Area Listed Building. Garage conversion and domestic alterations. 12 Mill Street
WEST KNIGHTON WD/D/15/002582 Conservation Area Listed Building. Replace window and wooden frame on south facing side of building with new wooden frame window. West Knighton Farm, Highgate Lane
WD/D/15/002582 Conservation Area Listed Building. Replace window and wooden frame on south facing side of building with new wooden frame window. West Knighton Farm, Highgate Lane

WEYMOUTH WP/15/00831/OUT Affects a Public Right of Way. This proposal is not in accordance with the provisions of the Development Plan. Conservation Area. Erect 7 dwellings with garages, new access road, junction, turning head and access bridge (Outline) Land To The West Of, Watery Lane
WP/15/00831/OUT Affects a Public Right of Way. This proposal is not in accordance with the provisions of the Development Plan. Conservation Area. Erect 7 dwellings with garages, new access road, junction, turning head and access bridge (Outline) Land To The West Of, Watery Lane
WP/15/00847/ADV Conservation Area. Install 1 no. internally illuminated fascia sign and 1 no. internally illuminated projecting sign. 10 St Mary Street
WP/15/00854/FUL Alterations and extension to the existing Public House to form 6 dwellings (4 affordable) and the erection of 9 new dwellings with access and parking. The New Inn Public House, 498 Littlemoor Road
WP/15/00856/ADV Conservation Area. Installation of 3no internally illuminated fascia signs and 2no non illuminated projecting signs (retrospective). 36 St Mary Street

PORTLAND WP/15/00778/FUL Conservation Area. Erect three holiday let units, artist studio and store. Land To The Rear 0f 13 15 And 17, Easton Street
WP/15/00778/FUL Conservation Area. Erect three holiday let units, artist studio and store. Land To The Rear 0f 13 15 And 17, Easton Street

Applications may be viewed online at applications/search, at the council offices at South Walks House and North Quay, at Mountfield, Bridport, or at Portland Tophill Library.
Comments can be made online, or in writing before 21 days from the date of this notice. All comments will be published online.

With regard to householder applications, an express consent for the display of an advertisement or if an application is considered to fall within the definition of a 'minor commercial proposal', should there be an appeal this will be dealt with on the basis of representations in writing only. Any representations made about the application will be sent to the Secretary of State, and there will be no further opportunity to comment at appeal stage.

Published on 09/12/2015