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Public Notice

Town and Country Planning Act 1990

Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Areas) Act 1990

Notice is hereby given that the following applications have been received:
BRIDPORT WD/D/15/002523 & WD/D/15/002524 Conservation Area Listed Building. Erect extension and alterations. 134 South Street
WD/D/15/002560 & WD/D/15/002561 Conservation Area Listed Building. Change of use of ground floor from storage to residential flat & internal alterations. 18-20 Chancery Lane

BROADWINDSOR WD/D/15/002476 Listed Building. Installation of a wood burning stove, air vent and flexible steel liner in the existing flue. 5 Bridport Road, Drimpton

DORCHESTER WD/D/15/002468 Conservation Area Listed Building. Install secondary double glazing on 12 windows. 10 Salisbury Street
WD/D/15/002572 Conservation Area Listed Building. Replace the existing flat roof rooflight with 2no. new rooflights. Block in existing kitchen window & form dummy window. Gateway House, 1 High East Street

SYMONDSBURY WD/D/15/002585 affects a public right of way conservation area. erect temporary mobile home. Lower Eype Farm, Barton Lane, Eype

WEYMOUTH & PORTLAND BOROUGH COUNCIL APPLICATIONS WEYMOUTH WP/15/00610/LBC Listed Building. Internal and external alterations to include new fascia sign and hanging sign. Vision Express, 22-23 St Mary Street
WP/15/00704/FUL The proposed development affects the setting of a Listed Building. Conservation Area. Demolition of existing dwellings and erection of a 3.5 storey block of 16 self-contained one and two bedroom apartments. 8-10 Dorchester Road
WP/15/00785/FUL & WP/15/00786/LBC Conservation Area Listed Building. Demolish existing garage and erect garden lodge. The Old Rectory, 7 Sutton Road, Sutton Poyntz
WP/15/00793/FUL Conservation Area. Loft conversion with dormers and erect single storey rear and side extension. 841 Dorchester Road
WP/15/00796/FUL Conservation Area. lnstallation of front and rear dormers and new windows to side elevation. 1 Hambro Terrace PORTLAND WP/15/00788/HAZ Storage of fuels, diesels and fuel oil in underground storage tanks. East Weare Batteries Off Incline Road, Portland Port

Applications may be viewed online or at the council offices at South Walks House or North Quay. Copies of applications in Bridport, Beaminster, Lyme Regis and surrounding parishes can be viewed at Mountfield, Bridport and applications for Portland only at Portland Tophill Library.

Comments can be made online, or in writing before 21 days from the date of this notice. All comments will be published online.
With regard to householder applications, an express consent for the display of an advertisement or if an application is considered to fall within the definition of a 'minor commercial proposal', should there be an appeal this will be dealt with on the basis of representations in writing only. Any representations made about the application will be sent to the Secretary of State, and there will be no further opportunity to comment at appeal stage.

Published on 18/11/2015