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Public Notice

Town and Country Planning Act 1990

 Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Areas) Act 1990

Notice is hereby given that the following applications have been received: WEST DORSET DISTRICT COUNCIL APPLICATIONS

BEAMINSTER WD/D/15/002206 Conservation Area. Improved access and alterations to boundary wall, erection of new detached dwelling, new access drive, hard/soft landscaping and associated works. Harts House, 18 Whitcombe Road
WD/D/15/002301 Conservation Area. Extensions & alterations to Coach House to facilitate conversion to a two bedroom dwelling, including hard and soft landscaping and associated works. Harts Orchard, Whitcombe Road

BISHOPS CAUNDLE WD/D/15/001991 & WD/D/15/001992 Conservation Area Listed Building. Erection of 24 new dwellings and the conversion of ancillary barns to form a further 7 dwellings. Manor Farm, Caundle Street

BRIDPORT WD/D/15/002294 Conservation Area. Erect single storey side
extension. 3 Alexandra Road

BURTON BRADSTOCK WD/D/15/001130 & WD/D/15/001131 Conservation Area Listed Building. Refurbishment of the Coach House, including re-configuration of the first floor. Heightening, re-roofing and alterations to the Hayloft, to include a balcony and rooflight. Repair and replace certain windows and doors. Inclusion of a new chimney breast and gas fire (with flue) to the Rookery Kitchen. The Rookery, Church Street

CERNE ABBAS WD/D/15/002165 & WD/D/15/002166 Conservation Area Listed Building. Internal alterations and the extension of Beauvoir Court to form a dwelling by reconfiguration of the ground and first floor layouts. New western porch, alteration of eastern porch, alteration of existing windows and single new window opening to the western elevation, replacement windows and doors to all other existing openings. Beauvoir Court, Duck Street

DORCHESTER WD/D/15/002129 Conservation Area. 1 no. fascia internally illuminated sign and 1 no. externally illuminated projecting sign as direct replacements for the existing shop front signage. 3 High West Street
WD/D/15/002315 Conservation Area. Additional use ofindoor market, North and South Linneys and associated link building for market uses on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, 1000 to1600 hrs. Dorchester Market, Weymouth Avenue

FRAMPTON WD/D/15/001963 & WD/D/15/001964 Conservation Area Listed Building. Alterations & refurbishment of former coach house to form ancillary studio/workspace. The Old Rectory, Church Lane

LITTON CHENEY WD/D/15/002316 Conservation Area. Variation of conditions 1 & 2 of planning approval
WD/D/15/000778 - to allow change of roofing materials on the barn conversion & extensions to the barn. Moxoms Yard, Chalk Pit Lane

LODERS WD/D/15/002233 & WD/D/15/002277 Conservation Area Listed Building. Demolish existing stone store/WC & porch. Erect replacement porch. Upton Manor Farmhouse, Uploders Road, Uploders

LYME REGIS WD/D/15/001433 Conservation Area Listed Building. Install gas supply. Flat 2, Woodville, Silver Street

NETHERBURYWD/D/15/002246 The proposed developmentaffects the setting of a Listed Building. Construction of parking area (retrospective). West Cottage, Filford Lane, Bowood

THORNCOMBE WD/D/15/002242 & WD/D/15/002243 The proposed development affects the setting of a Listed Building. Alterations to boundary wall to create vehicular access & construction of a garage. Thorncombe Farm, Fore Street

WEYMOUTH & PORTLAND BOROUGH COUNCIL APPLICATIONS WEYMOUTH WP/15/00656/LBC Listed Building. Raise height of chimneys to 1800mm and alterations to outhouse roof. Laurel Cottage, Silver Street
WP/15/00743/FUL Conservation Area. Raise height of chimneys to 1800mm Laurel Cottage, Silver Street
WP/15/00658/FUL Conservation Area. Erect garage and single storey extension. Beach Lodge, 27b Greenhill
WP/15/00680/LBC Listed Building. Internal alterations to remove the raised cashier counter and construction of new lightweight partitions and installation of new screenless cashier desks. 84-85 St Mary Street
WP/15/00692/VOC Application to vary condition 1 of planning permission reference WP/14/00803/VOC to change permitted use ofthe retail unitto between the hours of 0600-2300 and no delivery vehicles remaining on site beyond 2200 hours regardless of when they arrive Curtis Fields Land South Of, Chickerell Road WP/15/00702/FUL Conservation Area. Change of use of offices to 4no apartments and installation of replacement windows. 60a St Thomas Street

PORTLAND WP/15/00694/RES Affects a Public Right ofWay. This proposal is not in accordance with the provisions of the Development Plan. Erection of dwelling (Reserved Matters) Land Adjacent To 33, Park Road

Applications may be viewed online search or at the council offices at South Walks House or North Quay. Copies of applications in Bridport, Beaminster, Lyme Regis and surrounding parishes can be viewed at Mountfield, Bridport and applications for Portland only at Portland Tophill Library.

Comments can be made online, or in writing before 21 days from the date of this notice. All comments will be published online.

With regard to householder applications, an express consent for the display of an advertisement or if an application is considered to fall within the definition of a 'minor commercial proposal', should there be an appeal this will be dealt with on the basis of representations in writing only. Any representations made about the application will be sent to the Secretary of State, and there will be no further opportunity to comment at appeal stage.

Published on 21/10/2015