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Public Notice

Town and Country Planning Act 1990

 Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Areas) Act 1990

Notice is hereby given that the following applications have been received:

WEST DORSET DISTRICT COUNCIL APPLICATIONS BEAMINSTER WD/D/15/001594 One new flag sign and associated sign-written signage. Red Lion, 14 The Square

BRIDPORT WD/D/15/001721 & WD/D/15/001722 Conservation Area Listed Building. Stabilisation and protection of quay wall by installation of hidden micro-piles, scour protection, timber fenders, and quay furniture. West Bay Harbour, Quayside, West Bay
WD/D/15/001783 Conservation Area Listed Building .2 x Non Illuminated Window Vinyl 1 x Non Illuminated Projector 24 East Street

DORCHESTER WD/D/15/001742 Conservation Area Erect first floor rear extension 4 Dukes Avenue

LYME REGIS WD/D/15/001436 The proposed development affects the setting of a Listed Building. Replacement rear lower ground and ground floor extensions and infill extension to first floor at front Sheerings, Sidmouth Road
WD/D/15/001679 Affects a Public Right of Way Renewal of planning permission
1/D/10/000581 to use freehold land as parking space for private car Freehold Land At East Cliff
WD/D/15/001749 & WD/D/15/001750 Conservation Area Listed Building. Single storey rear extension The Garden Flat, Silverleigh, 31 Silver Street

OWERMOIGNE WD/D/15/001708 The application is accompanied byan
Environmental Statement. Construction of a Photovoltaic Park with associated equipment including access track and cable route. Land To North East Of, Galton Road, Galton

SHIPTON GORGE WD/D/15/001807 Affects the setting ofa Conservation
of a Area Removal of gable and insertion of dormers into front and rear roof slopes; demolition of conservatory and erection of single storey rear extension 12 Rosamond Avenue

WEYMOUTH & PORTLAND BOROUGH COUNCIL APPLICATIONS WEYMOUTH WP/15/00512/COU Conservation Area Change of Use from A1 shop to A2 Financial and Professional Services for use as an advice centre drop in 56 St Mary Street
WP/15/00520/FUL Conservation Area Erect dwelling Land South Of
Spinningdale, Littlemead
WP/15/00521/FUL Conservation Area Shopfront and elevational alterations McDonalds Restaurant, 72-73 St Mary Street WP/15/00545/FUL & WP/15/00546/LBC Conservation Area Listed
Building Replacement of 1no. external self service machine Hsbc Bank,
18 St Mary Street
WP/15/00582/FUL Conservation Area Replace first and second floor windows to front and rear elevation 22 Westham Road, Melcombe Regis WP/15/00587/FUL Conservation Area Replace 16 windows.10 Gloucester Street
WP/15/00596/ADV Conservation Area Installation of 2 no. internally
illuminated fascia signs, 2 no. internal promotional screens and re-lamp existing projecting sign McDonalds Restaurant, 72-73 St Mary Street PORTLAND WP/15/00516/FUL Conservation Area Alteration to ground floor front elevation and change of use of ground floor shop to a flat 103 Fortuneswell
WP/15/00533/FUL Affects the setting of a Conservation Area Affects a Public
Right of Way This proposal is not in accordance with the provisions of the Development Plan. Erection of 8 Dwellings. Land at Verne Common Road

Applications may be viewed online applications/search or at the council offices at South Walks House or North Quay. Copies of applications in Bridport, Beaminster, Lyme Regis and surrounding parishes can be viewed at Mountfield, Bridport and applications for Portland only at Portland Tophill Library.

Comments can be made online, or in writing before 21 days from the date of this notice. All comments will be published online.

With regard to householder applications, an express consent for the display of an advertisement or if an application is considered to fall within the definition of a 'minor commercial proposal', should there be an appeal this will be dealt with on the basis of representations in writing only. Any representations made about the application will be sent to the Secretary of State, and there will be no further opportunity to comment at appeal stage.

Published on 19/08/2015