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Public Notice

West Dorset District Council Application

Town and Country Planning Act 1990 Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Areas) Act 1990
Notice is hereby given that the following applications have been received:
ASKERSWELL. WD/D/14/001079 The proposed development affects the setting of a Listed Building. Construction of temporary shed in garden of property to be used for garden storage, as existing storage facilities are at risk of flooding. Hembury House, Hembury Road
WD/D/14/001079 The proposed development affects the setting of a Listed Building. Construction of temporary shed in garden of property to be used for garden storage, as existing storage facilities are at risk of flooding. Hembury House, Hembury Road
BRADPOLE. WD/D/15/000579 Development comprising a mobile home plus extension. Retrospective. Providence Cottage, Railway Crossing, Bridport BROADWINDSOR. WD/D/15/000830 Listed Building. Conversion of agricultural barn into 3 bed holiday dwelling. Bridge Farm, Chard Road, Drimpton, Beaminster CHICKERELL.WD/D/15/000602 Conservation Area. Cable Route for Solar Farm (with planning permission WD/D/14/002675) Land at Newlands Farm, Coldharbour WD/D/15/000786 Listed Building. External re-render and internal re-plaster of north west elevation and repair sections of rotten timber windows. 432 Chickerell Road
WD/D/15/000579 Development comprising a mobile home plus extension. Retrospective. Providence Cottage, Railway Crossing, Bridport
WD/D/15/000830 Listed Building. Conversion of agricultural barn into 3 bed holiday dwelling. Bridge Farm, Chard Road, Drimpton, Beaminster
.WD/D/15/000602 Conservation Area. Cable Route for Solar Farm (with planning permission WD/D/14/002675) Land at Newlands Farm, Coldharbour WD/D/15/000786 Listed Building. External re-render and internal re-plaster of north west elevation and repair sections of rotten timber windows. 432 Chickerell Road
DORCHESTER. WD/D/15/000673 Conservation Area Listed Building
WD/D/15/000673 Conservation Area Listed Building
Change to approved roofing material of kitchen roof from clay tile to natural slate (planning approval WD/D/14/003301). 9 Fordington Green FRAMPTON. WD/D/15/000841 Conservation Area. Erection of a dwelling. Southover Farmhouse, Southover
LITTON CHENEY. WD/D/15/000778 Conservation Area. Part demolition and alterations to the existing industrial building and full demolition of a double garage. Conversion of redundant barn to a dwelling and erect another dwelling and carport. New vehicular and pedestrian access and alteration to existing access. Moxoms Yard, Chalk Pit Lane
WD/D/15/000778 Conservation Area. Part demolition and alterations to the existing industrial building and full demolition of a double garage. Conversion of redundant barn to a dwelling and erect another dwelling and carport. New vehicular and pedestrian access and alteration to existing access. Moxoms Yard, Chalk Pit Lane
WD/D/15/000783 Conservation Area. Variation of conditions 3 & 4 of planning approval WD/D/14/003088 to allow for use as an open market dwelling. Moxoms
Yard, Chalk Pit Lane
LODERS. WD/D/15/000733 Conservation Area. Construct a new farm road and vehicular highway access adjacent to Upton Peep and a vehicular access into Upton Peep. Upton Peep Cottage, Uploders Road
WD/D/15/000733 Conservation Area. Construct a new farm road and vehicular highway access adjacent to Upton Peep and a vehicular access into Upton Peep. Upton Peep Cottage, Uploders Road
WD/D/15/000766 The proposed development affects the setting of a Listed Building. Conservation Area. Removal of existing rear extension/utility room and construction of new rear extension. Rock Cottage, 18 Main Street LYME REGIS. WD/D/15/000785 Listed Building. Remove existing roof light and install new roof light to south-east roof slope in rear wing. Pyne House, 10 Broad
MOSTERTON. WD/D/15/000567 The proposed development affects the setting of a Listed Building. Application to amend planning approval WD/D/14/002651 to convert garage to ancillary accommodation to include an obscure glazed window in the east elevation. Cornerways, Chedington Lane
WD/D/15/000567 The proposed development affects the setting of a Listed Building. Application to amend planning approval WD/D/14/002651 to convert garage to ancillary accommodation to include an obscure glazed window in the east elevation. Cornerways, Chedington Lane
WEYMOUTH & PORTLAND BOROUGH COUNCIL APPLICATIONS WEYMOUTH. WP/15/00248/LBC Listed Building Internal and external alterations (part retrospective) Flat 1 17-18 St Edmund Street
WP/15/00248/LBC Listed Building Internal and external alterations (part retrospective) Flat 1 17-18 St Edmund Street
WP/15/00265/FUL Conservation Area Remove porch and erect new porch. Nothe Lodge, 1 Barrack Road
WP/15/00286/FUL Conservation Area. Retention of existing flat and conversion of property to 5 flats and erect extension (revised scheme) 4 Westerhall Road WP/15/00299/FUL Conservation Area Replace balustrading to balcony 36a Greenhill.
PORTLAND. WP/15/00250/FUL Conservation Area Demolition of existing buildings and erection of 6 new dwellings with new vehicle access North Portland Working Mens Club, East Street
WP/15/00250/FUL Conservation Area Demolition of existing buildings and erection of 6 new dwellings with new vehicle access North Portland Working Mens Club, East Street
Applications may be viewed online search or at the council offices at South Walks House or North Quay. Copies of applications in Bridport, Beaminster, Lyme Regis and surrounding parishes can be viewed at Mountfield, Bridport and applications for Portland only at Portland Tophill Library.
Comments can be made online, or in writing before 21 days from the date of this notice.
All comments will be published online.
With regard to householder applications, an express consent for the display of an advertisement or if an application is considered to fall within the definition of a 'minor commercial proposal', should there be an appeal this will be dealt with on the basis of representations in writing only. Any representations made about the application will be sent to the Secretary of State, and there will be no further opportunity to comment at appeal stage.
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W West Dorset District Council, South Walks. Housti

West Dorset District Council, South Walks. Housti
*i 1 j: Weymouth S Portland South Walks Board, Dorchester Dorset DTl 1 HI Vc* Weymouth 4 Portland Council,

North Quay. Weymouth, Dorset. UT4 fcTA

Published on 29/04/2015