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Public Notice


WESSEX WATER SERVICES LIMITED (Wessex Water) the appointed water and sewerage undertaker forthe area described in its Instrument of Appointment taking effect as if made under Part1 Water IndustryAct 1991 (the Act) HEREBY GIVES NOTICE pursuant to section 162 of the Act that it has resolved as soon as reasonablypracticable from their identification and installation of a water meter at Wessex Water'sexpense, to fix charges in respect of the categoryof premises referred to in the Schedule by reference to volume and will be availing itself of the metering powers afforded by the Act.
All premises receiving awater supplyfrom Wessex Water:
(a) In which, or anypartofwhich, aperson has ahome and the principal use of the premises is as ahome; and
(b) Which falls within the area of appoint-ment ofWessexWater as awater and sewerage undertaker;and
(c) Wheretherehas been achange in the occupation of the premises and no charges have yetbeen demanded from the person who has become the consumer;and
(d) The change of occupancy occurs after lOctober 2016; and
(e) It is reasonablypracticable to install a water meter at reasonable expense.
Leigh Fisher-Hoyle Company Secretary l7June 2016

Published on 27/06/2016