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Public Notice

Premises Licence Waitrose Dorchester

PREMISES LICENCE UNDER SECTION 34 OF THE LICENS­ING ACT 2003 Applicant Waitrose Ltd. Premises: Waitrose, Building 5, Queen Mother Square, Poundbury, Dorchester, Dorset, DTI 3BW.The application is: to approve alterations to the premis­es. Full details of which can be inspected on the application. The licensing register can be inspected at the address noted below during normal business hours. Any representations by a responsible authority or any other person regarding this application can be made to West Dorset District Council The Licensing Section, South Walks House, Dorchester, DTI IUZ website: This must be received in writing by 25 March 2016 clearly stating the grounds upon which representation is made relevant to the Licensing Act It is an offence knowingly or recklessly to make a false statement in connection with an application. The maximum fine for which a person is liable on summary conviction for the offence is £5,000.
Blake Morgan LLP
Solicitors for Applicant

Published on 03/03/2016