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Public Notice

Notice is hereby given of amendment of East Lulworth, West Lulworth, Coombe Keynes, Moreton and East Holme Conservation Areas

Purbeck District Council
Thriving communities in balance
with the natural environment

Notice is hereby given of amendment of East Lulworth, West Lulworth, Coombe Keynes, Moreton and East Holme Conservation Areas in Purbeck District, Dorset, in accordance with Section 70(8) of the Planning(Listed Buildings and Conservation AreasJAct 1990, and following a resolution to adopt the changes at the 13th October Purbeck District Council meeting.
East Lulworth Conservation Area is modified through removal of: fields and a small group of trees to the south east of Mount Pleasant; and addition of: those parts of Lulworth Park bounded to the east by the road to Coombe Keynes including buildings at Shaggs, and to the south by the road to Burngate, and elsewhere by the park wall and tracks following its circuit; and the verge east of No. 60.
West Lulworth Conservation Area is modified through removal of: Nos. 1 -22 The Launches, End House, The Villa, Belle Vue, The Fells, Hybridge House and Nos. 1 -6 Main Road; Upalong, Bindon Lodge, Limberlost and Nos 10 and 11 Sunnyside; Lulstead, Finches, Melstock, Hillhampton, Advantage Point, Beandon, West Road; Moonfleet, School Lane; open land to the south of Little Bindon and a narrow strip of open land to the north, south and east of property boundaries along Bindon Road; and the hall, club, shop and Nos 1-4 Church Road.
Coombe Keynes Conservation Area is modified through removal of: Agricultural land surrounding the village, including all the properties standing within this at Kimbert's End and Kick Hill Farm.
Moreton Conservation Area is modified through removal of: the menage, rough land and small area of woodland east of the stables at Manor Farm; and addition of: those parts of Moreton Park, including Fir Hill, not already within the conservation area; and houses and land either side of and between the Common and Station Road.
East Holme Conservation Area is modified through removal of: fields of the north of Holmegate and Wall Cottage; fields and woodland to the south west of the village; and, a small strip of land north east of the church; and addition of: parkland to the south of Holme Road and to the east of the previously designated area, and the roadside belt of woodland at Rookery Corner.
For further information including maps and appraisal documents please see, contact the Design and Conservation Officer, Purbeck District Council, Westport House, Worgret Road, Wareham BH20 4PP (01929) 557388 or email

Published on 11/12/2015