A MAN held a boy at knife point and forced him to remove his clothes before raping him on a fishing trip, a court heard.

Paul Robins, 59, was convicted by jury of sexual assault and two counts of rape against a child under the age of 13.

Dorset Police has admitted it did not take a custody image of Robins.

The offences took place in the summer of 2008 but came to light after the victim saw Robins again the area and revealed the incident to a support worker.

Bournemouth Crown Court heard that the defendant took the boy out fishing and suggested that they both took their clothes off.

When he refused, Robins pulled a knife to the boy’s throat to ensure “he was properly naked.” He then forced the boy to touch him before suggesting he perform a sex act on him.

The boy tried to refuse and struggled against Robins but the defendant forced him for around 10 minutes.

After the prolonged assault, Robins brandished a packet of condoms and continued to rape him.

The defendant then forced the boy to put his clothes on and told him not to tell anyone what had happened.

Prosecutor, Michael Forster, told the court: “He took a condom with him, which is not what one does when going fishing unless planning a sexual offence.”

The victim said in an impact statement that as he got older, he became more confident, after not seeing Robins in the area.

However, in March 2020 he was travelling to a hospital appointment and saw the defendant, which brought on a nervous tremor in his hand.

He said this tremor lasted months and doctors found that it was trauma related.

“I couldn’t go out alone because I was afraid he would be here. I lost my job because I was afraid he would come into my work.

“I had to take out loans and I’m still in debt now.”

A warrant was issued for Robins’ arrest on April 17, 2024, after he failed to attend his court sentencing.

Mitigating, Robert Griffiths, said the defendant was arrested after being found at a well-known suicide spot in the west of England.

Robins has previously been sectioned under the mental health act and has been on suicide watch since being in prison.

The defendant has no previous conviction with Mr Griffiths adding: “He has lived a blame free life before and since [the incident].”

Judge Jonathan Fuller KC said there was a second incident where Robins forced the boy to take clothes off and then took pictures of him.

“You had clearly decided you wanted to abuse this boy and exploited the opportunity you had been given,” said Judge Fuller.

He added that Robins shows no remorse for his actions and still continues to deny what he did to the victim.

Robins, of Maclean Road in Bournemouth, was sentenced to 16 years in prison plus 12 months on license as well as handed a sexual harm prevention order.

The Echo requested a custody image of Robins but was told by Dorset Police that they do not possess one. 

Detective constable Leigh Topol, of the Child Abuse Investigation Team, said: “I would like to praise victim in this case for the immense courage he showed in coming forward to report these matters to police and for the way he has supported the investigation and court process.

“I hope the lengthy sentenced imposed today and the bravery shown by the victim will inspire others who have been subjected to sexual abuse to find the strength to come forward and report these offences to police in the knowledge they will be supported, and we will do all we can to ensure those responsible will be held to account.”