A POLICE officer who was attacked when he pulled over a driver on a country lane has spoken of his ‘frightening experience’.

PC Angus Wilson, from Dorset Police’s road traffic department, was punched and kicked by Francis John Duddridge in a sustained 15-minute assault when he stopped the man’s car near Litton Cheney on the night of August 30.

Duddridge, of The Rookery, Long Bredy, also rammed the officer’s police car with his 4x4 after PC Wilson had got out to go and speak to him.

At a hearing at Dorchester Crown Court Dudd-ridge, 44, was sentenced to 12 months in prison for offences of assault occasioning actual bodily harm, dangerous driving, driving while disqualified, possessing a bladed article and driving with no insurance.

He was also banned from driving for two years.

The court heard a lock knife was found on Duddridge when he was searched by police officers after his arrest and he had been banned from driving for two years in November 2008 for drink-driving. PC Wilson, who suffered a number of cuts and bruises to his face and body as a result of the assault, said: “It was a full-on situation and it was an adrenaline-fuelled 15 minutes really.

“It just shows that even in these quiet areas what we have to put up with as police officers and what people will do to get away.

“It was certainly a shocking incident and I wasn’t expecting it to happen.”

PC Wilson added: “It was a frightening experience and the sort of thing you don’t expect to happen in this area.

“I was just doing a routine patrol and went to stop a vehicle and I got attacked.”

PC Wilson said he was glad Duddridge had been brought to justice and punished with a prison sentence for the offence.

He said: “That is a good thing and maybe he won’t do this to another person.”

As he sentenced Duddridge Judge Roger Jarvis told the defendant: “This was by any measure a disgraceful way for you to behave.

“The officer was unsupported, it was in a remote location and the attack was sustained.”