St. John’s School end of term Easter church service was a very special occasion with £61.72 raised for their chosen link school:- Wiru Primary School in Kenya. Children, staff and parents gave thanks for the term’s events, including the special Holy Communion service in school, finding out more about the reasons for celebrating Easter.

There had been much sporting activity and particular mention was made of Connor Drinkhill’s and Hannah Peeler’s achievements in representing St John’s and The Wey Valley Family as members of the West Dorset Team in an indoor athletics competition at Portland. Hannah was one of a few pupils selected from that for the County Finals and her team finished second.

  • The PTA had subsidised the cost of a wonderful theatre production of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe that was enjoyed by all.

The school had held Science and International Days, both of which were highly successful. Thanks were due to the parents who helped staff during each event, in order to make the occasions special for the children.

  • A Car Boot / Spring Market is planned to take place on Saturday Apri 24l from 10.00 am to 12.00 noon in the school grounds. Also, in the hall, there will be a table top sale, a range of stalls and refreshments Anyone wishing to book a pitch or a table may call 01305 750278. Sellers can arrive from 9.30am and buyers from 10am.