An author will be discussing how he got into writing at a Weymouth Library  and Learning Centre event.

Ben Aitken will be talking about his five books and his latest, Here Comes the Fun, at the Great George Street library on Saturday, June 10 from 10.30am.

During the event, find out more about Ben, how he became a writer, and all about his books. From an unlikely year in Poland, coach holidays with his elders, to an unlikely friendship during lockdown.

With a wealth of travel and life experiences to share and entertain, Ben will also share an extract from his latest book, and there will be an opportunity for the audience to ask him questions.

Booking is essential for this free event. Go to the website and search for 'Meet the author Ben Aitken' or 'Dorset Libraries'

For more information call the library on 01305 762410 or email