We welcome your favourite recipes, whether simple or cordon bleu.

Please make sure you include all details including full ingredients with quantities (preferably in imperial and metric), any special implements which will be needed such as a cooking thermometer, etc. and step-by-step method instructions. A recipe may be straightforward to you but please remember that some people may not be as proficient as you in the kitchen, so please do not assume that readers will know what you mean - explain every step thoroughly.

If your recipe includes alcohol or ingredients which may not be suitable for children, try and offer an alternative. Similarly if there are particularly unusual ingredients perhaps from specialist retailers, suggest alternative products which may be more readily available.

Please complete all fields denoted by *
Name: *
Address: *
Postcode: *
Phone number: *
Enter the ingredients for your recipe here:*
Enter the step-by-step method instructions for your recipe here:*

We only take your details so we can verify or clarify your recipe. Your details will not be kept on our files after publication and we won't pass them on to anyone else.

If you don't want your name or address published with your recipe, please say so - this is at the editor's discretion. We still need your details for verification or clarification purposes.