SEVEN homes are being proposed for a harbourside site in Weymouth.

If approved it will result in the demolition of the existing tyre and exhaust centre on Westwey Road, opposite the town’s main marina.

Dorset Council is being asked to agree to the homes plan for the 1,384 square metre site using the existing road access with associated landscaping and parking for 14 cars.

The homes are proposed to be in two terraced blocks, one with four homes, the other with three, each of the units with three bedrooms and both blocks of two storeys and each with small gardens.

An adjoining site, an electricity substation, had an approved application for demolition in 2020 with 23 homes to follow, but although granted consent in October 2021 work on the homes has not started.

The town’s Masterplan has identified the whole area for high quality housing and employment uses with suitable outdoor amenity spaces, possibly a hotel and a new public square.

A planning agent, acting for the site owners, says the Tyre and Exhaust could readily be moved elsewhere in the area with what it describes as a “substantial over-supply” of suitable employment sites in the area. The 10-year-lease for the site ended more than a year ago.

It points out that there are several other garages offering similar services within a mile radius.

Public comments on the demolition and housing proposal, Dorset Council reference 2024/02116, remain open until June 4th.

Illustration – Site layout proposed Illustration – Elevations of the three and four-home terraced blocks.

Illustration – Masterplan for the marine area Photo – Westwey Road Kwik Fit site. Google.